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El títol del treball és My North. Consta de tres vídeos, un llibre amb dibuixos i 3 petites peces a mode de souvenir. Aquí us deixo un parell d'imatges del llibre, i de les peces.
Estic satisfeta de com ha anat la presentació perquè ha estat molt participativa i crec que ha agradat el treball. A més a partir dels comentaris m'he plantejat noves preguntes i voldran una resposta...
El text de més avall és l'explicatiu del treball i que es reparteix als assistents.

My North
“From my point of view, one of the meanings of art lies in changing our points of view, so it provides other ways to understand our world. Asking questions could be a way to do it. Sometimes we have a response, other times we don’t.
For some years I’ve been asking myself questions and looking for answers about landscape. All of them related to the people who inhabit it. Do humans change landscape? How do people occupy open spaces, wilderness? Does nature change our points of view?
In Ísafjörður I’ve been almost hypnotized by the fog I can see through the window of my residency, passing along the mountains in front of Engi, so slowly, in an imposing manner, hiding and showing. The result is that my thoughts, in Iceland, have been focused on big and small natural phenomena, complete or not finished drawings, plants inspiring videos… I’ve used concepts such as flora, fauna, tourism, energy… to create videos, draw and also build with my hands special mementos for the occasion. Using photos to draw, drawings to build, videos to change known images. Many and different creations that are the starting point for a question and perhaps for its answer.
My North in the sense of looking for an answer.”
Enriqueta Vendrell lives and works in Catalonia.

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